Is Online dating a good way of meeting people considering?

Is Online dating a good way of meeting people considering?

1- Would an attractive, successful and socially active man or woman turn to the internet to find love unless they have huge issues?

Yes, the stigma attached to online dating is pretty much over with, online dating is very mainstream now days. Online dating doesn't mean someone is desperate or pathetic or has issues. People are busy, maybe they don't work in an environment condusive to meeting people. Maybe the bar scene isn't their thing. Typically people meet others through work, school, friends but someone with a busy lifestyle may not have time for all that. There are definately attractive people with their lives together on online dating sites.

2- Isn’t’ much conceivable that these people would be able to easily find love through other means such as work and social settings?

Personally I work in an office with two other people both much older than myself. My previous job was an internet startup with nothing but attractive twenty somethings and I loved it but at my current job not much chance of finding love. Also many would argue work is a bad place to start relationships if you value your career.

In terms of social scene as you get into your mid and late twenties friends get busy with lives, career, family, friends move away. It's not like you have that giant social circle you did in college. Also, unlike meeting someone through friends or work where your basically going off appearance most onnline dating sites actually let you get a peek at someones interests, personality, etc. 

3- Isn’t obvious that online dating sites have become attraction point for weirdoes, desperate and those who find it easier to deceive others?

Are there players and con artists out there...yes there are but so those same people are at your work, at the grocery store and at bars. Online dating is no different from regular dating you have the same segment of the population online as you do in the real world.

4- Why would an attractive girl shamelessly and degradingly put herself on offer for, real life stalkers, scammers, and such an audience?

As opposed to an attractive girl shamelessly flaunting herself at the bars waiting for stalkers and rapists? I would actually argue you probably get a better calibur of person online than out at a bar or club.

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